Why and How the UK should be part of the European Judicial Area (September 2021)

Address to students of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (March 2021)

The Legal Case for Re-joining EFTA (September 2018) - with Oliver Jackson

The E.U. Charter of Fundamental Rights: Genesis, Unexpected Application, and Brexit Options - talk to the Law of Society of Scotland in Glasgow (February  2017)

Brexit:  Acquired Rights - evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on the EU, Justice Sub-committee 
- oral evidence on 1st November 2016: transcript 
- written evidence

The CJEU takes Citizenship into the Realm of the Unknown - on Home Secretary v CS, published by the Judicial Power Project (September 2016) 

Defining the Boundary Between European and National Law - with Stephen Hockman QC, a proposal for legislation:  we drafted this in the run-up to the EU referendum to show how an element of David Cameron’s “renegotiation prospectus”, which he never pursued, could, in fact, have been unilaterally implemented by the UK  (June 2016)

Themes for discussion with Judge Bonichot - this paper outlined cases decided by the European Court of Justice which raised concern; it was presented to Judge Jean-Claude Bonichot, the French judge on the ECJ at a private seminar (April 2015)

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