Publications in book form

“The Architects’ Legal Handbook” co-editor from 3rd edition in 1980 (under the title “Architects Journal Legal Handbook”) to 10th edition (2021), and author of chapters therein including English Law of Contract

“The Law of Defective Premises” with Gregory Stone, Pitman 1982 - reviewed in the Cambridge Law Journal

“Construction Disputes – Liability and the Expert Witness” contributor, Butterworths 1989

“The Construction Act: Time for Review” contributor, Construction Law Press 2000

“Butterworths Professional Negligence Service” co-editor and author of chapters therein on barristers, construction professionals and independent financial advisers, Butterworths 2000 (with updates to 2002)


MA (Oxon) Modern History

Addressing the Society of Construction Law

Construction law

Technology & Construction Bar Association – member of Committee and representative on Bar Council

Society of Construction Law (UK) – member of the Council

Main speaker at International Construction Conference in London on conciliation (2008)

Speaker at International Arbitration conferences in Mauritius (2009, 2011)


A supervisor of dissertations in the MSc course in construction law at King’s College London for the last 30 years.

Each year since 2020 taught a seminar on contract law in the Cambridge University School of Architecture.

Visiting Professor in the School of Law of the University of Surrey 2024


Robert Schuman silver medal, awarded by the FVS Foundation (Germany) 1976

Sydney Elland Goldsmith Lifetime Achievement Award for Pro Bono work, awarded by Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit) 2021

Robert Schuman silver medal

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